Intensive Case Management Services (ICMS)
Program summary:Intensive Case Management Services (ICMS) are integral to clients in permanent supportive housing, and is designed to assist homeless clients with achieving and maintaining health, mental health, and housing stability. The program’s intensive case manager serves as the central point of contact for the referred client through which care and services are coordinated in efforts to assist clients become stable in the housing environments.
Program Enrollment Eligibility:Clients entry into the program is determined by Housing For Health (HFH) and through referral by HFH to Kedren. The clients served by ICMS services are HFH clients whom are homeless and present with a chronic illness or physical disability, and/or are high utilizers of Department of Health Services (DHS) services.
Program Services:ICMS includes, but is not limited to, the following authorized activities: outreach and engagement; intake and assessment; service planning; housing and rental assistance; linkages to health, mental health, substance use disorder services and other supportive services; ongoing monitoring and follow-up; assistance with benefits establishment, transportation, and legal issues; crisis management; eviction prevention; client education; housing location services; coordination and collaboration with HFH partners.
Employment Linkage – CA Department of Rehabilitation Partnership
Program summary:The California Department of Rehabilitation Services (CA DOR) administers vocational rehabilitation services and advocacy to persons seeking employment, independence, and equality for individuals with disabilities. Services are tailored to each individual to ensure a greater chance of success. Kedren partners with CA DOR to provide our clients with opportunities to achieve their employment goals and advance their vocational skills.
Program Enrollment Eligibility:The Kedren – CA DOR partnership eligibility for vocational rehabilitation services are being active Kedren clients ages 18 and above whose with a physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability that presents as a barrier to obtaining, retaining, or regaining employment. Kedren clients whom are referred to the CA DOR program are expected to have an interest in employment, work collaboratively with Kedren, the Department of Rehabilitation, and the Los Angeles County – Department of Mental Health in order to develop an achievable employment goal, and benefit from the vocational services needed to achieve competitive employment.
Program Services:The Kedren rehabilitation liaison(s) meet with clients who have indicated interest in pursuing employment and are presented information related to their DOR vocational program. The liaisons will assist the client in completing the program application, and attend the clients initial intake appointment with the CA Department of Rehabilitation to support and advocate for them based on their strengths and resources. The CA DOR will then assist client with potential employment linkages based on their interest, skills, and will provide training services to provide the client with vocational skills, as well as prepare them for interviews and job placement.